

Lilli Completed her Reiki Mastery in 2003. Reiki is a form of healing energy that includes the transfer of universal energy through the palms of the hands, through the practitioner to the client. Reiki first emerged in Japan in the early 1800’s.

A Reiki treatment promotes the consistent unlocked flow of energy throughout the body. This helps to reduce stress, enhance an overall peaceful experience for the client. Often helping the client cope with pain or discomfort in the body. Reiki addresses the whole person. Mind, Body, and Sprit. Positive energy transfers through the practitioner to the client. Reiki is helpful in elevating the receiver's mood and general attitude towards life. By taking a more positive approach. Healing starts within. PLEASE NOTE BOOKED SESSION IS FOR ONE PERSON ONLY. THANK YOU.

  • Yes! Everything you discuss and find with Lilli’s guiding hand will remain only between you and her.

  • Yes! While my in-person reiki session often includes EHF and other energy healings that are channeled with my shamanic background; virtual or remote reiki sessions can be just as effective.

  • -Creates a deep sense of relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension

    -Aids in better sleep

    -Reduces blood pressure

    -Helps relieve pain

    -Removes energy blockages

    -Reduces some of the sides effects of drugs

    -Helps the person recover from drug therapy, post Surgery

    -Aids in some of the side effects from Chemotherapy

    -Supports the bodies immune system

    -Raises the vibrational frequency of the body

    -Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing


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