After a Clearing
For this blog. I call it a lesson because it is my lesson that I needed to learn. So in writing about it, I can also help others. That’s my goal in life to help as many people as I possibly can. It’s nice when I look at people’s websites and see that they are offering Reiki sessions. It brings me great joy. Knowing that I was their Reiki Master/teacher. I feel and believe that Reiki was never supposed to go to all these great levels. It was a gift given to the humans from the Pleiadians. I read that in a book once. I can’t remember which one. I think it was Bringers of the Dawn. By Barbara Marchiack. I don’t think it was a book by Christine Day.
I went to this client’s home who has also become my friend. I met him through his common-law wife, with whom I had attended high school. I went there originally to perform a Reiki Treatment. The session went well. I had also shared a letter that I had Channeled for him earlier, containing messages from his Angels and Spirit Guides. I enjoy being able to pre-write messages for clients before meeting with, and then going over the results! It’s like opening Christmas gifts! Just to see what’s inside! I often forget what I have Channeled, because it’s a direct message for the person and not myself. It’s the persons’ Spirit Guides. Or Angels or loved ones who have crossed over and have a message for the client.
Ok back to the story! After the Reiki Treatment, we returned to the living room. To chat and catch up a bit with his wife. And my long-time friend. It was then that he told me about some disturbing occurrences that were happening with an entity from another realm. This particular being was about six to seven feet tall. Dark brownish in color with pointy ears, and long claws.
I don’t like to use the term Demon, because it adds a religious aspect to things. In my teachings, or what I’ve read in books. This particular being comes from the 4th level below. Ir just means that this is the earth walk. We reincarnate our lives here in this earth school. Where we come to finish centuries of Karma and heal ourselves. I believe in the 7 levels above and the 7 below. With this earth life 3 Dimental Reality being the earth school where we work out and learn our lessons.
Ben had told me that he had seen “it” up in the corner of his bedroom hunched over, watching him sleep. I know it’s not fun to open your eyes because something has woken you from a deep slumber, only to find yourself being watched! The second incident was when Ben awoke and could feel the entity right in front of his face! He didn’t dare open his eyes he only squeezed them shut and willed “it” away. I believe this entity came from the 4th level below. Called the nightmare level. It’s where everyone’s evil and dark thoughts go. I remember reading that in a Sylvia Browne book. She comes up under {paranormal} in google searches. She was a world-renowned Psychic. Born October 19, 1936. Passed away on November 20, 2013. She often appeared on The Montel Williams Talk Show. I loved the shows when she was on! She helped me on my Spiritual Journey. Simply by taking all the BS out of it. With her direct approach.
Sorry back to my blog story! I asked if I could clear their bedroom with my crystal and tuning fork, and crystal. After I had cleared the room. We spoke in the living room for a little while longer. It was getting late so I headed home. My house is about 20 minutes drive. When I was on the backcountry roads I started to feel like I wasn’t alone in the car. I knew that the entity was sitting in my back seat, behind the passengers’ seat. I didn’t dare look! I started talking to myself and tried to convince myself that I watched too many horror movies and read too many scary books! I even slowed down and placed my hands on the steering wheel at 10 O-clock and 2 O-clock. As I was tout by Young Drivers of Canada. Too many years ago to mention!
It wasn’t until I reached the gravel road that I remembered that my husband had put up a light curtain at the end of our driveway. Raising the energy of our property and not allowing any low energies on the farm. It wasn’t until was in my driveway that I dared to look in the back seat! Of course, it wasn’t there!
A few days went by. And I started to receive messages that “it” was pacing outside our driveway on the road. I could actually feel “it’s” anxiety! Proving that we really are all one! You see even low energies are here to learn. Whether they know it or not. Everything is always a choice. To be positive or negative. That’s the free will choice that we all have in this great human experiment that we are all a part of! I call my girlfriend and double-checked with her, she’s just like me! Very intuitive and more. She asked me if I banished “it” back to where it came from after I had cleared the bedroom. I said “No I forgot that part, or I just had assumed that it would find its own way back to where it belonged. After some laughter and discussion.
I opened a porthole outside my property line. And imagined stairs heading down into the earth. I told the guides and guardians to protect me and help “it” go back to where it was from. I believe in the 7 levels above and the 7 levels below. With this level being the earth walk. Where we come to live out our past Karma and new lives. I read this in a Sylvia Browne book. This was from the 4th level below. The 3rd level is where your negative thoughts and nightmares live. Like Freddy Krueger, from the movie Nightmare on Elm Street. Or Jason from the movie Halloween. Starring Jamie Lee Curtis. You see all thought forms have to go somewhere. Nothing is ever lost. Every negative thought or character goes there. Better there than up here with us!
So all in all, I learned a valuable lesson on finishing a job properly. There’s no room for mistakes or laziness in this field of work! Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.